
The Kitchen Invitation

Simplify Your Post-Thanksgiving to Christmas Cooking!

Published 6 months ago • 1 min read

Cooking during the Holidays


Dear Parents,

Caught between the whirlwind of Thanksgiving and the festive chaos of Christmas? I totally get it! That's why I'm here to help simplify your cooking endeavors during this hectic yet joyful time.

Between the turkey leftovers and the coming holiday feasts, keeping things simple in the kitchen is the ultimate sanity-saver. Here's a deliciously easy recipe to help you navigate the in-between:

Turkey and Cranberry Quesadillas


  • Leftover turkey, shredded
  • Cranberry sauce
  • Shredded cheese (cheddar, mozzarella, or your favorite)
  • Flour tortillas
  • Butter or oil


  1. Heat a skillet over medium heat and lightly grease with butter or olive oil.
  2. Place a tortilla in the skillet, sprinkle cheese on one half, then add shredded turkey and a dollop of cranberry sauce.
  3. Fold the tortilla in half, covering the filling, and press gently with a spatula.
  4. Cook for 2-3 minutes on each side or until the tortilla turns golden brown and the cheese melts.
  5. Remove from heat, slice, and serve warm with a side of leftover Thanksgiving joy!

This delightful recipe is a simple way to transform Thanksgiving remnants into a new, easy-to-make meal your family will love.

Stay tuned for more hassle-free recipes, time-saving tips, and sanity-preserving hacks as we juggle the countdown from Thanksgiving to Christmas!

Wishing you joyful and stress-free cooking,

Jessi your culinary Dietitian with The Kitchen Invitation

P.S. Share your own brilliant ideas for managing the post-Thanksgiving culinary chaos! Your tips might just be a lifesaver for another parent.

P.P.S I have a new Novice to Nourished Families Membership launching in January! I can't wait to share more details soon as it's going to be the ultimate parent and family resource ever!

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The Kitchen Invitation

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